Students in lecture.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition at St. Elizabeth’s College of Nursing is $590.00 per credit hour for the nursing courses effective Fall 2024.  Tuition rates for the general education courses, including liberal arts and sciences, will be based on the current rate per credit hour at SUNY Polytechnic Institute.

Double tuition is charged for general education courses for International Students and other students who have resided in New York State for less than 1 year. This only applies to the liberal arts and science courses.

*** The tuition costs listed below are estimates for the two-year program***

Total Tuition for Two Years: $40,290.00

First Year Costs:

  • Tuition - Nursing Courses                            $12,980.00
  • Tuition - Liberal Arts & Science Courses    $ 6,000.00
  • Comprehensive Student Fees                        $ 1,200.00
  • Books/Supplies/Uniforms                            $ 2,000.00

          Total First Year Costs                         $22,180.00

Second Year Costs:

  • Tuition - Nursing Courses                             $11,210.00
  • Tuition - Liberal Arts & Science Courses    $ 4,500.00
  • Comprehensive Student Fees                        $ 1,200.00
  • Graduation Fees                                               $   200.00
  • Books/Supplies/Uniforms                            $ 1,000.00

          Total Second Costs                              $18,110.00

Additional Expenses:

  • Application Fee.........................$65.00
  • Matriculation Fee ....................$50.00
  • Return Check Fee.....................$25.00

The Comprehensive Student Fee supports services not provided by tuition dollars that enrich the quality of a student’s total experience at St. Elizabeth College of Nursing. The Comprehensive Student Fee covers Education/Technology Services, Student Activities, Health Services, Student Evaluation Testing and Lab Services. All components of the Comprehensive Student and Graduation Fees are mandatory and non-refundable.

*** The College of Nursing reserves the right to change policies and revise costs as deemed necessary without prior notice in subsequent years.

Cost of Attendance (2024-2025)

With Parents:

  • Tuition & Fees.........................$20,180.00
  • Books & Supplies....................$  2,000.00
  • Living Expenses......................$  7,550.00



  • Tuition & Fees.........................$20,180.00
  • Books & Supplies....................$  2,000.00
  • Living Expenses......................$19,134.00


In-State Independent:

  • Tuition & Fees.........................$20,180.00
  • Books & Supplies....................$  2,000.00
  • Living Expenses......................$12,500.00


Out-of-State Independent:

  • Tuition & Fees.........................$30,000.00
  • Books & Supplies....................$   2,000.00
  • Living Expenses......................$12,500.00


Cost of Attendance Components

Standard budgets have been established by the Financial Aid Office to help determine eligibility for aid. The financial aid budget does not reflect what you will be billed by SECON. The cost of attendance includes, tuition, fees, housing and food, books and supplies, transportation, loan fees and personal expenses.


*Tuition and Fees - This cost is based on full-time attendance with the tuition rate established by SECON.  Fees include those mandatory fees charged to all students. Tuition charges billed to the student will be based on actual enrollment.


Books and Supplies - The Financial Office develops a reasonable estimate of books and supplies based on the cost to each student by semesters.


Living Expenses & Fees - This is an indirect cost that has a median allowance assessed for living expenses.


  1. The housing and food portion of your budget is an allocation for expenses you will experience either on or off campus for rent and food related expenses. This allocation remains a part of your financial aid cost of attendance regardless of your living arrangements.
  2. The transportation expenses cover costs related to travel back and forth to campus and clinical sites. Personal expenses can include average costs for medical and child care.
  3. Loan Fees - Average cost of fees charged for Federal Direct Loans.


The budgets are not intended to meet everybody’s full financial responsibilities; rather, they are average costs for students during an academic year.

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