Front of the school.


Contact Info

2215 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13501

Phone: 315-801-8253
Fax: 315-801-8271

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Information contained on this website is subject to change at all times. Information regarding tuition costs and other college fees are subject to change per college mandates. For official information students/site users should contact the college at (315) 801-8253 for up-to-date information. All persons are entitled to a paper copy of all student disclosures upon request.

Administrative Contacts:

Kimberly Panko, DNP, RN, President
Phone: (315) 801-3014

Julie Wells-Tsiatsos, MSN, RNC-OB, EFM, MNB, Dean of Student & Faculty Development (Disability Coordinator) & (Title IX Coordinator)
Phone: (315) 801-3078

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